1. If an employee thinks that her employer’s practices or policies in relation to single sex facilities in the workplace are discriminatory, she can bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal under the Equality Act 2010 (“EqA”). Similar EqA claims about single sex facilities can be brought in the County Court by users of services which are open to the public, like swimming pools, libraries, hospitals and restaurants.

2. The types of EqA claim which are most likely to be brought in the Employment Tribunal or County Court about single sex facilities are claims for indirect discrimination and claims for harassment related to sex. Other possible claims, which are not dealt with here, are for direct sex discrimination and for sexual harassment (which differs slightly to harassment related to sex).

Indirect discrimination

3. Indirect discrimination claims which might be brought by people who wish to access single sex facilities include:

> A claim by a female employee or service user for indirect sex discrimination brought on the basis that women are more disadvantaged by having to undress, shower or use the toilet in the presence of males than the other way around.

> A claim for indirect religion or belief discrimination brought by an employee or service user who adheres to a religion, such as Islam or some forms of Judaism or Christianity, which prohibits or discourages undressing or being in intimate proximity with people of the opposite sex.

> A claim for indirect religion or belief discrimination brought by an employee or service user with a protected philosophical belief, such as gender critical belief, which recognises the importance and relevance of the differences between the biological sexes.

> A claim for indirect age discrimination brought by an older employee or service user who abides by standards of modesty in relation to undressing, using the toilet or washing in proximity with people of the opposite sex which are more prevalent in older age groups.

4. At the same time, people who wish to access single sex facilities provided for the opposite sex may bring indirect gender reassignment discrimination claims, if their employer or service provider requires trans people to use facilities according to their biological sex. Many (though not all) people who identify as the opposite sex have the protected characteristic of gender reassignment. A claim of this sort would be brought on the basis that (for example) it is more disadvantageous for a man who has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment to use the men’s facilities than it is for a man who does not have the protected characteristic of gender reassignment.

5. In an indirect discrimination claim, if the employee or service user shows that the practice or policy relating to single sex facilities is, on the face of it, indirectly discriminatory, it is then open to the employer or service provider to show that the practice or policy is nonetheless justified because it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim (“the justification defence”).

Harassment related to sex

6. This is unwanted treatment related to sex which causes the “proscribed effect”. The proscribed effect is that the treatment violates the employee or service user’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for her. Harassment can be a one-off event or a series of events or an ongoing practice. Thus an employee or service user can complain either about one or more incidents in which she has encountered a male in the women’s facilities or about a policy or practice of permitting this to happen, so long as she can establish that what she is complaining about is “conduct related to sex”. At present there is no legal authority which says that allowing males to use women’s facilities is “conduct related to sex”, but the point is being argued in Peggie v NHS Fife. The test for whether conduct is “related to” a protected characteristic is a broad one.

7. It is not enough for the employee or service user simply to say that she feels the proscribed effect; it must be reasonable for her to have felt it. This is usually the key issue in harassment claims. In considering this, the court or tribunal must take into account all the circumstances of the case.


Facilities required in workplaces by the 1992 Regulations

8. The law which mandates that single sex facilities must be provided in workplaces is not contained in the EqA. It is contained in the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (“the 1992 Regs”), by which workplaces must have sanitary conveniences (toilets) (Reg 20) and washing facilities (Reg 21). They must also have changing facilities if these are needed because of the type of work done in the workplace or for health reasons (Reg 24). All these facilities must be both “suitable” and “sufficient”.

9. The facilities must be for the use of all people who work in the workplace, not just employees. This includes any type of worker or self-employed contractor.

10. Toilet, washing and changing facilities in workplaces will only be “suitable” for the purposes of the 1992 Regs if there is separate provision for men and women.

11. The only exceptions to the single sex rule for workplace facilities are:

> Toilets: toilets can be in separate lockable rooms (not cubicles).

> Washing: if the only washing required is of hands, forearms and face, the washing facility may be shared between men and women. Otherwise, washing facilities can be in individual lockable rooms that are intended for single-person use (not cubicles).

> Changing: changing rooms can be shared between men and women if separate provision is not necessary for reasons of propriety. Where separate provision is necessary for reasons of propriety, this can be in a single changing room as long as it can be used separately by men and women (i.e. at different times).

12. The 1992 Regs do not say how many facilities must be provided in a workplace to be “sufficient”, other than in the case of old, unmodernised factories, where there must be at least one suitable toilet for use by females only for every 25 female workers, and the same for males.

13. Employment Tribunals do not have jurisdiction to determine complaints about breaches of the 1992 Regs. The principal method of enforcement is via the Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”), which has powers to impose sanctions on employers.

14. In theory it might be possible for an individual to bring a claim for a breach of the 1992 Regs in the County Court on the basis that the employer has failed to comply with a statutory duty, but since the 1992 Regs do not themselves provide for a civil remedy it would be difficult to persuade a court to permit such a claim to proceed, particularly where an enforcement mechanism is provided through the HSE.

Equality Act complaints about single sex facilities in workplaces

Indirect discrimination

15. Although the 1992 Regs cannot be relied on directly in an Employment Tribunal claim (see §§13-14 above), they are pivotal in Employment Tribunal claims for indirect discrimination under the EqA about the provision of single sex facilities in the workplace.

16. If an employee brings an indirect discrimination claim about a failure to provide single sex facilities (as described at §3 above), the existence of the 1992 Regs makes it very difficult – probably impossible – for the employer successfully to invoke the justification defence (see §5 above). To be successful, the employer would have to show that it had a legitimate reason for contravening the mandatory statutory duty in the 1992 Regs and that it did so in a proportionate way. It is difficult to see how this argument could conceivably work.

17. Similarly, if an employee brings an indirect gender reassignment discrimination claim about an employer’s refusal to allow him or her to use the facilities provided for the opposite sex (as described above), the fact that the 1992 Regs mandate single sex facilities in workplaces means that the employer’s justification is virtually watertight.

Harassment related to sex

18. The existence of the 1992 Regs is also significant in relation to claims of harassment related to sex which are about the provision or use of single sex facilities in workplaces (as described at §§6-7 above), even though employees cannot rely on the 1992 Regs directly in the Employment Tribunal.

19. In a claim of this sort, one of the “circumstances” that will have to be taken into account by the Employment Tribunal (see §7 above) is the fact that the 1992 Regs mandate single sex facilities in the workplace. It is very likely that an employee would be able to persuade a Tribunal that it was reasonable for her to experience a breach of this law as a violation of her dignity, since the law itself recognises that single sex facilities can be necessary for reasons of “propriety”.

The meaning of “woman” & “man” in the 1992 Regulations

People without Gender Recognition Certificates

20. There is no law which allows people to self-identify into the opposite sex for the purposes of the 1992 Regs, or indeed for the purposes of any other UK legislation (see For Women Scotland Ltd v The Scottish Ministers [2023] CSIH 37). The protected characteristic of gender reassignment in the EqA protects most trans people from discrimination, but it does not mean that trans people must be treated as though they are the opposite sex, whether under the 1992 Regs or for any other legal purpose. Only a Gender Recognition Certificate (“GRC”) can have this effect. Thus under the 1992 Regs a woman is, at least, anybody who was born female and does not have a GRC, and a man is, at least, anybody who was born male and does not have a GRC.

21. This means that the 1992 Regs do not allow employers to provide toilet, washing or changing facilities only on a self-ID basis. If an employer allows males who do not have GRCs to use a women’s facility, it will no longer be providing a facility which is for women only. This will amount to a failure to comply with the 1992 Regs unless there are suitable and sufficient alternative women’s facilities available elsewhere in the workplace which are not open to any males who do not have GRCs.

People with Gender Recognition Certificates

22. For people who do have GRCs the position is unclear. Under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (“GRA”) the consequence of a person being awarded a GRC is that his or her sex changes to the opposite sex “for all [legal] purposes” (GRA s.9(1) read with Forstater v CGD Europe [2022] ICR 1). However there are some exceptions to this principle, so there are some laws under which males with GRCs do not have to be treated as women (and vice versa). It is arguable that the 1992 Regs should or must be treated as an exception. If they are, then men with GRCs should be treated in the same way as men without GRCs in relation to single sex facilities in the workplace (see §§20-21 above).

23. In the For Women Scotland case the Supreme Court is currently deciding whether the principle in the GRA applies to the EqA. The Court is not deciding whether the principle applies to the 1992 Regs, so the judgment will not bring certainty about whether employees with GRCs should have access to opposite-sex facilities in workplaces. However, it is likely to give a steer as to how “woman” and “man” should be defined for the purposes of legislation other than the EqA, such as the 1992 Regs.

24. If it can clearly be inferred from the Supreme Court judgment that a GRC does not change a person’s sex for the purposes of the 1992 Regs, then the position for employees with GRCs will be the same as it is now for those without GRCs (see §§20-21 above).

25. If it can clearly be inferred from the Supreme Court judgment that a GRC does change a person’s sex for the purposes of the 1992 Regs, then an employer will have to ensure that there are sufficient women’s facilities in the workplace which can be used by males with GRCs and sufficient men’s facilities which can be used by women with GRCs. However, that does not mean that there will be no legal route for complaint from employees who wish to have access to single sex facilities on a biological sex basis. These employees might still bring complaints arguing that it amounts to indirect discrimination or harassment related to sex (as described at §§3-7 above) for the employer not to also provide single sex facilities on a biological sex basis.


Facilities permitted in services by the Equality Act

26. There is no equivalent to the 1992 Regs for members of the public who use services such as hospitals, swimming pools, restaurants etc. Instead the position is governed entirely by the EqA, and is considerably more complicated.

27. The starting point is that under the EqA it is usually unlawful direct sex discrimination to exclude service users of one sex from a facility. However there are exceptions to this rule which allow a service provider to provide single sex facilities for one of five permissible reasons. These reasons include that “the circumstances are such that a person of one sex might reasonably object to the presence of a person of the opposite sex”. Another permissible reason is that the service is a hospital or a similar setting.

28. It is not enough for one of these five reasons to apply. It must also be justifiable in the particular circumstances for the facility to be provided only to women or only to men. The service provider must be able to show that having a facility only for women or only for men is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.

Equality Act complaints about single sex facilities in services

Indirect discrimination

29. The exceptions in the EqA for single sex facilities are permissive rather than mandatory, which distinguishes them from the rules for workplaces in the 1992 Regs. Thus a service provider does not have to provide single sex facilities for service users. However, a service provider which fails to do so could find itself facing a complaint of indirect discrimination from a service user of one of the types described in §3 above.

30. Here there is no mandatory statutory duty which strengthens the service user’s case, as there is for employees under the 1992 Regs (see §22 above). Nonetheless, depending on the facts and evidence in the case, the strong societal tradition in favour of single sex facilities mean that it will still be difficult for the service provider successfully to invoke the justification defence (see §5 above). If the complaint is of indirect sex discrimination, other factors favouring the complainant should include the overwhelming evidence of the dangers that men as a class statistically pose to women and the evidence of increased risk to women in unisex facilities. For similar reasons it will be difficult for a service user to succeed in an indirect gender reassignment discrimination claim based on a wish to access the facilities provided for the opposite sex.

Harassment related to sex

31. Again, depending on the facts and evidence, it is likely to be difficult for a service provider to defend a claim of harassment related to sex (see §§6-7 above) by arguing that it was not reasonable for a female service user to feel that her dignity was violated by having to share facilities with males. As above, compelling factors include the societal tradition in favour of single sex facilities, the overwhelming evidence of the dangers that men as a class statistically pose to women and the evidence of increased risk to women in unisex facilities.

The meaning of “woman” & “man” in the Equality Act

People without Gender Recognition Certificates

32. Under the EqA a woman is, at least, anybody who was born female and does not have a GRC and a man is, at least, anybody who was born male and does not have a GRC (see For Women Scotland Ltd v The Scottish Ministers [2023] CSIH 37). There is no law which allows people to self-identify into the opposite sex for the purposes of the EqA or for the purposes of any other UK legislation. The protected characteristic of gender reassignment in the EqA protects most trans people from discrimination, but it does not mean that trans people must be treated as though they are the opposite sex, whether under the EqA or for any other legal purpose. Only a GRC can have this effect.

33. Thus if a service provider allows males who do not have GRCs to use the women’s facilities:

> The facilities will no longer qualify as single sex facilities under the exceptions in the EqA (see §§26-28 above).

> Therefore the service provider will have no permission in law to exclude any other men from that purportedly single sex facility.

> The service provider would be vulnerable to indirect discrimination claims of the types described in §3 above or harassment claims of the type discussed at §§6-7 above from service users who wish to have access to single sex facilities. These will be harder to defend if there are no suitable single sex facilities available anywhere else in the service.

People with Gender Recognition Certificates

34. Under the GRA a person who has a GRC becomes the opposite sex “for all [legal] purposes” (GRA s.9(1) read with Forstater v CGD Europe [2022] ICR 1) except in the situations where that principle does not apply. The Supreme Court is currently deciding in For Woman Scotland whether the principle applies to the EqA.

35. If the Supreme Court decides that a GRC does not change a person’s sex for the purposes of the EqA, then trans people with GRCs will be in the same position as those without GRCs. That is, as service users they should be treated according to their biological sex when using single sex facilities (see §33 above).

36. If the Supreme Court decides that a GRC does change a person’s sex for the purposes of the EqA, then in principle a service provider is entitled to allow males with GRCs to use facilities provided for women (and vice versa). However:

> The EqA contains a further set of exceptions which allow service providers to exclude trans people with GRCs from single sex facilities where it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim to do so. In this way, service providers may provide facilities on a single biological sex basis.

> A service provider which does not invoke these exceptions might face complaints of indirect discrimination such as those in §3 above or harassment of the type described in §§6-7 above from service users who wish to have access to single sex facilities on a biological sex basis.

> A service provider which does invoke these exceptions might face a complaint of indirect gender reassignment discrimination of the type described at §4 above. Claims of this sort will be easier for the trans service user to win than they would be if the Supreme Court had decided that a GRC does not change a person’s sex for the purposes of the EqA.


37. The current state of the law on single sex facilities is clearly unsatisfactory. Quite apart from anything else, it seems that employers and service providers should distinguish between trans people who have GRCs and those who do not. In services in particular this will almost always be impossible to do. Furthermore in both workplaces and services, it makes no difference to other users of the facilities whether a trans person has a GRC or not; they remain a person of the opposite sex.

38. The upshot of this mess is that the safest (although not risk-free) option for service providers and employers is to offer some “unisex” or “gender neutral” facilities for the use of people who do not wish to use facilities according to their sex, and to provide sufficient single sex facilities on a biological sex basis for everybody else, if it is possible to do so (note this should not be done be repurposing accessible facilities). Neither the 1992 Regs nor the EqA prohibits the provision of unisex facilities in addition to single sex facilities.

39. This solution will not be available to all employers or service providers because of the burden of cost and/or a lack of physical space. Where it is not possible, employers and service providers are caught between the prospect of discrimination claims brought by people who want single sex facilities and those brought by trans people who want to use facilities in their acquired gender. It can only be hoped that the Supreme Court will clarify the position, and that if it does not, that the Government will step in and amend the relevant legislation so that employees and service users can understand their rights and employers and service providers can understand their obligations.

25 February 2025

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Transgender Law: a practical guide?

In “A practical guide to Transgender Law” (Law Brief Publishing, 2021), Robin Moira White and Nicola Newbegin have written a short book of ambitious scope: in fewer than 300 pages, they take in subjects as varied as discrimination, asylum, data protection, education, prisons, family law and sport.

The first point to note is that the book lacks a consistent sense of purpose, wandering between summarising the law, setting out statutory and non-statutory guidance and policy material, charting the development of the law and social attitudes in this area, and legal analysis. Perhaps as a result, its structure is choppy and repetitious: it’s not clear, for instance, why the Equality Act 2010 and the Gender Recognition Act 2004 get chapters to themselves as well as separate treatment in chapters on associations, education, employment and sport; or why “Prisons” (Chapter 15) is not treated as part of “Criminal Justice” (Chapter 6). The book is poorly proof-read, with minor errors sprinkled throughout the text and one instance where a section of nearly a page and a half appears in two different places. 

The book’s defects of structure, clarity of purpose and editing might have been forgiven if the authors had been able to offer helpful insights on some of the undoubtedly tricky problems in this area. But the book is equally disappointing in almost all matters of substance. The chapter on data protection and confidentiality (Chapter 7) provides a competent summary of the law, as (for the most part) does Chapter 3 on the GRA; but the rest of the book suffers from a pervasive tendentiousness, coupled with legal analysis that is either weak or simply absent.

The first example comes before the book is even properly under way, in the terminology section at page xviii. The authors dismiss the binding judgment of the High Court in Corbett v Corbett [1970] 2 WLR 1306, apparently on the basis of the biologically illiterate claim that the existence of differences of sexual development undermine the distinctness of the categories “male” and “female”. This is unsupportable. Biological sex is an immutable and as a rule easily observable feature of human beings. In a small minority of those with certain rare DSDs, sex may be incorrectly observed at birth; but that fact no more undermines the male/female binary than the fact that individuals are occasionally prematurely pronounced dead undermines the alive/dead binary. As the Employment Appeal Tribunal has since pointed out in Forstater: “the position under the common law as to the immutability of sex remains the same; and it would be a matter for Parliament… to declare otherwise.” 

Discussing what “man” and “woman” mean in the EqA, the authors say this: 

“The EqA 2010 definition of ‘man’ is a male of any age and ‘woman’ is a female of any age’ (EqA s212). But without a definition of ‘male’ and ‘female’ this does not help. Is a trans male a male or a trans woman female? Is a trans woman something different from a woman? But a gay woman or a black woman are still women, why not a trans woman?” 

There’s a sleight of hand here – whether conscious or not. The argument plays on the words of the question-begging neologism “trans woman” to suggest that “trans” is simply an adjective qualifying the noun “woman”, and therefore a “trans woman” is just another kind of woman. It does not admit to the true nature of what the authors are proposing, which is a radical extension of the meaning of the word “woman” – well beyond the natural meaning of a concept that is familiar in every language and has been for as long as humans have used speech – to include those men who think of themselves as women. For anyone who does not accept that trans-identifying males are women, the proposed parallel with “black woman” or “gay woman” will land badly. (For readers less familiar with these debates, it may be helpful to spell out that the term “trans woman” is frequently claimed not only by those who have taken all available surgical, hormonal and cosmetic steps to look as much like women as it is possible for them to do, but also by others who retain fully intact male genitals and sometimes even a beard, relying on nothing more than clothes and cosmetics to signal their essential womanhood.)

The authors also seek to construct an uncertainty about whether a person’s legal sex might change in the absence of a gender recognition certificate. This is fanciful. Biological sex can’t change, and the common law recognises that; and the mechanism for changing legal sex set out in the GRA is self-evidently exhaustive. 

In the terminology section, at pp. xix-xxi, the authors quote at length from the speeches in the House of Lords in Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police v A (no.2) [2005] 1 AC 51, acknowledging that Baroness Hale anticipated that the GRA would resolve these questions; but then seem to give up on the daunting task of analysing, by reference to the words of the Act, whether and if so how it has done so, preferring instead a hand-waving assertion that the authors cannot believe that a trans-identifying male who has transitioned early enough never to have developed through male puberty can really be regarded as a man in law simply because he lacks a gender recognition certificate. It is not clear why they think this, or what aspect of their hypothetical case they think is crucial. They seem to set store both by the length of time for which an individual has “lived as” the opposite sex and the degree of success with which he can “pass”.

Whatever their thought processes, they are clearly wrong. The House of Lords in A and Parliament in the GRA chose different solutions to the problem of who should be treated as having changed sex, and what the consequences should be when they were. The House of Lords chose exacting conditions (a complete or all-but-complete cosmetic appearance of the opposite sex: in the words of Lord Bingham, being “virtually and for all practical purposes indistinguishable”), but far-reaching consequences where those conditions were met. Parliament chose a much less demanding standard for issuing a gender recognition certificate, but also limited the effect of a GRC once granted. It is of course Parliament’s choice that is now the law. 

Commenting in Chapter 3 (Gender Recognition Act 2004) on section 9 of the GRA, the authors say: 

“[A]s far as the law is concerned, the holder of the certificate now has the gender stated on that certificate “for all purposes”. This provision dealt admirably with the original focus of the Act: pensions and the right to marry. It is still important in a number of areas including the fields of data protection and prisons (see relevant specialist chapters). The GRA itself contains a number of exceptions. The position in respect of the Equality Act brought into law only 6 years later is far from certain.”

This passage could be clearer, but the implication seems to be that when the EqA was passed, its interaction with the GRA was somehow overlooked, or inadequately worked out. Nothing could be further from the truth: the expression “Gender Recognition Act” occurs 14 times in the EqA and its explanatory notes, and the expression “gender reassignment” no fewer than 95 times. The relationship between the EqA and the GRA is both deliberate and intricate: no doubt there are some unintended consequences and difficult questions, but – particularly given that much of the relevant phraseology of the EqA is little altered since the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 – what is clear beyond any sensible doubt is that for the purposes of the EqA, “sex” means biological sex, except where modified for legal purposes by the operation of section 9 of the GRA. 

At the end of Chapter 6 (Criminal Justice), the authors deal very briefly with searching under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. They quote from the Metropolitan Police Service’s “Transgender Policy” which purports to allow trans-identifying officers to conduct searches of suspects of the opposite sex, but notes that since non-binary identities are not covered under the Equality Act, officers and staff who identify as non-binary will not be permitted to search the opposite sex. The authors’ legal analysis of this policy is confined to the single sentence, “Authors’ note: the last answer may need to be revised in the light of Taylor v Jaguar Land Rover.” 

This is inadequate. The policy quoted is unlawful insofar as it applies to intimate searches, since PACE s55(7) requires that “A constable may not carry out an intimate search of a person of the opposite sex.” The authors claim elsewhere in the book that, following Taylor v Jaguar Land Rover 130447/2018, “those with more complex gender identities are now held to be within the protected characteristic of gender reassignment.” There are a number of problems with this statement. First, a decision of an employment tribunal has no weight as precedent, yet White and Newbegin treat Taylor as if it were a binding authority. Secondly, having decided to undergo a process of reassignment and announced that decision, Taylor undoubtedly had the protected characteristic of gender reassignment on a perfectly conventional understanding of s7; so even if the judgment were capable in principle of being binding, it would not have the effect claimed. (Readers wishing to gain a fuller understanding of Taylor are directed to Maya Forstater’s excellent blog on the subject.) Third, and for the Criminal Justice chapter most pertinently, the fact that an individual has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment for the purposes of the EqA does not change their biological or legal sex. The authors do not explain how the EqA duty not to discriminate on grounds of gender reassignment could be thought to override the same-sex searching requirement in PACE. 

In Chapter 8 (Education), the authors say this about toilets in schools: 

Reliance is placed on the School Premises (England) Regulations (2012)… which specify the provision of separate toilet facilities for boys and girls over the age of 8 except where the toilet facility is provided in a room that can be secured from the inside and that is intended for use by one person at a time. However, there is no definition of sex in the Regulations and whether a trans pupil can lawfully be excluded from the facilities which match their acquired gender is, as yet, untested… the question whether exclusion of a trans girls [sic] from toilets would be a proportionate means of a achieving [sic] a legitimate aim is untested in law. 

Sex is not defined in the Regulations; nor (more relevantly) are the related terms “boys” or “girls”. But these are ordinary English words that require no definition. A child cannot be granted a GRC, so there are no ticklish questions about “legal sex” and “biological sex” to get into here: the child’s sex is and can only be his or her biological sex. If a trans-identifying boy (a “trans girl” in the authors’ preferred terminology) is admitted to the girls’ toilets, those toilets are no longer separate facilities for girls: they have become mixed sex. The Regulations require separate facilities, so boys (however they identify) must be excluded from the girls’ toilets, and girls (however they identify) from the boys’. Moreover, it is not clear what the authors think is the relevance of the question whether exclusion of a trans-identifying boy from the girls’ toilets would be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim: no such test is identified in the Regulations, which simply make separate facilities mandatory.

Chapter 12 is devoted to the question whether gender critical views are a protected belief for the purposes of the EqA. It seems odd that the authors thought this narrow question merited a whole chapter to itself; but odder still, given that they did not think it worth waiting for the judgment of the Employment Appeal in Forstater v CGD Europe [2021] 6 WLUK 104, which at the time of writing they note was expected within a few weeks. The predictable result is that the entirety of their detailed consideration of the first instance judgment is already out of date.

At Chapter 15 (Prisons), the authors discuss the case of R (on the application of Green) v Secretary of State for Justice [2013] EWHC 3491 (Admin). The case was about the extent to which a man who was in prison for his part in the extended torture and murder of his wife was entitled to be supplied in prison with items said to be necessary to his recently-conceived desire to “live as a woman”. The judgment notes at ¶19 that he did not appear to have a diagnosis of dysphoria, and was reported to be “saying different things to different people”.

​​White and Newbegin summarise the essential facts and the outcome like this: 

“Whilst it was recognised by the court that there was no question of her being required “to live as a man”, she was housed in a male prison and was refused items such as a wig (she was bald) and tights. The decision to refuse these items on the basis of increased risk in the prison community was upheld. The prison service said that tights could be used as a ligature and were easily concealed. A wig, it was said could be used in an escape attempt. The judge recognised the sensitivity of the position but upheld the decisions taken.”

Reading that, one might think the prisoner’s requests were modest and reasonable. But the authors’ “such as” turns out to be capacious. At paragraphs 27 and 47 respectively, the judgment describes more fully the problem and the nature of the risks: 

“The particular problem asserted by the claimant is her access to prosthetic items – wigs, breasts and vaginas.”

“In relation to tights there is also a demonstrable security concern. The same applies to intimate prosthetics. With tights it is obvious they can be used for escape purposes and other dangerous illegitimate use. With intimate prosthetics the real issue of hiding items is pronounced. In order to alleviate this, the governor would have to institute regular and repeated intimate searches.

If the authors’ sanitising account of the facts of Green is disquieting, even more so is their failure to mention a key part of the judge’s reasoning in the case. One of the issues was whether Green had suffered discrimination on grounds of gender reassignment, and there was argument about the characteristics of the comparator that should be used to test that question: should the comparator be a man who lacked the protected characteristic of gender reassignment, or a woman who lacked that protected characteristic? The judge did not think that a difficult question. As he put it (at paragraph 68): 

Frankly, it is almost beyond argument that the only comparator is a male Category B prisoner at HMP Frankland… I find it impossible to see how a female prisoner can be regarded as the appropriate comparator.The claimant is a man seeking to become a woman – but he is still of the male gender and a male prisoner. He is in a male prison and until there is a Gender Recognition Certificate, he remains male.

This comparator question is of crucial importance to many of the contentious questions relating to the treatment of trans-identifying people. Both of the authors contributed to the Employment Lawyers Association’s response to the 2018 Government consultation on reform of the GRA, which (answering question 13 on single-sex and separate-sex services) describes the comparator question as going to the heart of the wider ideological debate about the nature of sex and gender. Their failure to discuss this aspect of Green is hard to comprehend.

Examples abound of analysis that is weak, tendentious or entirely missing, but one further instance is worth particular attention. At Chapter 9 (Employment), the authors comment on an example of a possible occupational requirement, given in the Explanatory Note to the EqA, to be a woman and not a transsexual person, even with a GRC, in order to work with victims of rape as a counsellor. They say this: 

[C]are should be taken to note the word “might”. For example, the situation may well depend on how well the trans person “passes”: if it is not possible to tell by looking at / listening to a trans woman that she is transgender then it is far less likely that the genuine occupational requirement would apply as compared with, say, a trans woman who does not pass as well and in a number of respects still looks male. 

The idea that “passing” is something that can or should ever be judged as a condition for employment is fraught with difficulty and embarrassment, both for anyone called upon to make such an invidious judgement, and for the trans person concerned. But even if that difficulty could be overcome, it doesn’t seem fanciful to think that the ability of a rape victim to detect when she is in the presence of a man may be heightened: her perception might not coincide with that of the manager. But more seriously than either of those objections, it should be self-evident that a rape victim who wishes to speak to a female counsellor should be granted that wish without question, and without any threat of subterfuge. It is difficult to imagine a more heartless message to convey to a rape victim than “The person you are sitting with, alone in a room, talking about your experience of rape, will either be a woman, or else a man who passes so well as female that you won’t be able to tell.”


If the objective of the book was to increase understanding of the law in this area, it must be judged an abject failure. Even a reader with little prior knowledge will be struck by the regularity with which the authors simply give up on the task of analysis: 

“The law is, at present, hopelessly confused… Society (and lawyers and legislators) still have much thinking to do” (p.xxi). 

“The position in respect of the Equality Act… is far from certain” (p.34). 

“Legislation is urgently required to clarify these provisions otherwise case law will be needed to fill the gap” (p.55). 

“There does not appear to be case law on the point…” p.58.

“Whether a school should intervene to act in a way apparently inconsistent with a pupil expressing their gender identity would appear to be legally untested” (p.101). 

“Whether treatment of trans pupils such as excluding them from dormitory-style accommodation would be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim remains untested” (p.102).

“…. these provisions provide no guidance” (p.209).

“… this will remain a controversial area in which further legal challenges may be anticipated.” 

In some of these cases, there is genuine reason for uncertainty; in others, the law is clear enough, and the uncertainty imaginary. In both cases, readers looking for assistance will be disappointed by the authors’ repeated unwillingness even to attempt to provide it. If a pair of guides on a difficult mountain path were as consistently flummoxed as the authors of this book, their clients would be saying their prayers. In truth, there is little of either guidance or practical utility in White and Newbegin’s “practical guide”.

I am (even) more than usually grateful to the several “critical friends” from the Legal Feminist collective – and others beyond: you know who you are –  whose characteristically vigorous and forthright comments and editing and have improved this review beyond recognition from its first draft. 

Transphobia, Feminism and the Liberal Democrats

By Audrey Ludwig, Solicitor and Tim Pitt-Payne QC

On Saturday 19th September, the Liberal Democrats published a statement setting out their understanding of what constitutes transphobia.  It is a remarkable document, deserving careful attention.

Debates about whether a particular view, person, or body is transphobic often misfire, because the participants are operating from unstated but differing definitions of transphobia; they talk past one another and make no progress.  In principle, a discussion about the meaning of transphobia could be useful and helpful. 

But the Liberal Democrat document is not intended merely as a contribution to wider social debate.  The online statement announcing its adoption made clear that it would be used to support the Party’s disciplinary processes.  In other words, individuals who are guilty of transphobic behaviour – as defined in the document – could be suspended from the party or expelled. 

The document is in three parts: a brief definition of transphobia; further discussion of that definition; and an appendix of examples.

The brief definition is this:

‘Transphobia’ is the fear or dislike of someone based on the fact they are trans. Transphobia, whether through words or action, may be targeted at people who are, or who are perceived to be, trans or trans allies.

In the subsequent discussion of this definition, we are told that the term “trans” is “an umbrella term to describe people whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth.” There is an express statement that people are not required to have undergone any medical or social transition to be considered trans, and a cross-reference to the definition of “trans” in Stonewall’s glossary.

Four non-exhaustive examples of transphobic behaviour are then given, some of which go well beyond what would be regarded as either unlawful harassment on grounds of gender reassignment or an objective threshold standard for hate crime.  The examples are:

* attempting directly or through advocacy to remove trans people’s rights;

* misrepresenting trans people;

* abuse of trans people; and

*  systematically excluding trans people from discussions about issues that directly affect them.

These are more fully explained in the appendix.

As to the first example, there is no further explanation of what type of rights are being referred to.  No doubt advocating changes in the law that were regarded as weakening the position of trans people – for instance, arguing that the conditions for a GRC should be more restrictive – would come under this heading.  But does this example go further?  Given the breadth of the document generally (see further below), it is likely that the term “rights” would not be understood solely in legal terms, but would also cover anything that trans people are currently able to do as a matter of practice.  For instance, arguing for the exclusion of trans women from women’s rugby would probably be viewed as “attempting to remove trans people’s rights”. 

The document goes on to distinguish between different levels of blame.  For genuine “errors and misunderstandings”, an apology or retraction will usually suffice.  However, repeat offenders should be dealt with more severely: “this is especially true if they have been challenged by others, and they have been pointed to resources to help them learn about trans rights and transphobia.”  In other words, re-education and a chance to repent are to be the first resort,  with the possibility of disciplinary action and expulsion to follow for those who persist.

The Appendix then sets out a number of further examples of transphobic behaviour, again making clear that they are not exhaustive. 

Under the heading “denying trans people’s gender identity or refusing to accept it”, there are references to deadnaming, misgendering, and mockery, followed by this passage:

Using phrases or language to describe trans people which are designed to suggest that trans people are a separate category of person from the gender they identify as or that their gender identity is not valid. Current examples include referring to a trans woman or non-binary person as a “biological man” or a trans man or non-binary person as a “biological woman”, which eradicates the trans person’s gender identity in favour of their biology at birth.

The first sentence is clearly intended to enforce the orthodoxy that trans women are women and trans men are men.  Any deviation from this – for instance, “trans women are not literally women, but (with limitations) ought to be treated as if they were” – would doubtless be seen as treating trans women as a separate category from the gender with which they identify. Taken at its highest, it could be said that this definition treats both the Equality Act and Gender Recognition Act as “transphobic”, since both contain provisions identifying circumstances where trans people are treated as a separate category.

The second sentence is even more striking.  In some contexts, it requires the denial of simple biological fact.  This is the case, even if you believe that it is possible for a human being to change their biological sex – given that very many trans people will have undergone no medical transition whatsoever, as the document itself expressly recognises.  To say that a person, or a group of people, identify as female but are biologically male is not only a factual statement, it is in some contexts a highly relevant statement: for instance, when considering how they should be housed within the prison estate, or whether they can fairly compete in sport against natal women.  Of course there are contexts in which to refer to biological sex would be hateful:  just as, when adoptive parents proudly describe their children’s achievements, it would be hateful to respond, “But you’re not their biological parents.”  But in some contexts – for instance, assessing the risk of inherited health conditions – biological parenthood is relevant:  and likewise, biological sex.

Given the way in which this paragraph is drafted, it is hard to see how there could be any meaningful advocacy of gender critical views within the Liberal Democrats.  In particular, it is hard to see how one could either oppose gender self-ID, or advocate for maintaining  sex-based rights or single sex spaces and facilities, or for keeping the provisions in the Equality Act that make such things possible.  The document therefore effectively requires certain policy positions to be supported, on pain of a finding of transphobia and potential expulsion.  Dissent is to be rooted out, not by reasoned discussion and debate, but by the exercise of power.  It is authoritarian, and illiberal, for a party to close down internal debate in this way on issues of live political controversy.   

Under the heading “misrepresenting and excluding trans people”, one finds this example:

Making mendacious, dehumanising, demonising, or stereotypical allegations about trans people or their cisgender allies. This includes spreading the idea of a “trans conspiracy” which asserts undue influence over media or government or claiming that cisgender allies support trans rights initiatives out of fear or bribery rather than a genuine belief that trans rights are human rights.

There is a sad irony about the final sentence.  The very existence of this document will foster the making of such claims.  When Liberal Democrats advocate for trans rights, they can be expect to be met with the retort, “you’re only saying that because your party says that you must”. 

In all of this discussion, there is a glaring omission.  At no point is there any recognition of any potential conflict between the rights and interests of trans people and of natal women. Dealing with competing rights is a familiar aspect of human and equality law: for instance, a policy benefiting one protected class may indirectly discriminate against another, requiring a balance to be struck.  The document allows no space for feminist advocacy that recognises the need for such a balance.  There is no acknowledgment whatsoever that campaigning against self-ID, or for sex-based rights, can be motivated by something other than prejudice or bigotry.  The implied message of the document, therefore, is that when the interests of women come into conflict with those of other groups, then it is for women to give way without question or complaint.  Not only is this an illiberal message:  in its practical effect, it is a strikingly misogynist one.